

The research was supported by UBACyT20020170100428BA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) PIP 11220200102038CO, PICT-2020-SERIEA-I-INVI-00540, and the CLIMAX Project funded by Belmont Forum/ANR-15-JCL/-0002-01. Elio Campitelli was supported by a PhD grant from CONICET, Argentina.

Conflict of interest/Competing interests

The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.

Ethics approval

Not applicable.

Availability of data and materials

All data used in this paper available in a Zenodo repository (Campitelli, Díaz, and Vera 2022b) ( Indices updated monthly and daily will be made available at

It is also freely available from their respective sources:

Code availability

A version-controlled repository of the code used to create this analysis, including the code used to download the data can be found at

Authors’ contributions

E.C. made the data curation, formal analysis and prepared all the figures. E.C. and L.D. wrote the main manuscript text. All authors reviewed the manuscript.


Campitelli, Elio, Leandro Díaz, and Carolina Vera. 2022b. “Data for "Revisiting the Austral Spring Extratropical Southern Hemisphere Zonally Asymmetric Circulation Using Complex Empirical Orthogonal Functions".” Zenodo.