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ggperiodic (development version)

ggperiodic 1.0.3

CRAN release: 2023-03-22

  • Improves detection of geoms and stats

  • Fixes CRAN Warnings related to methods consistency.

ggperiodic 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2022-08-12

  • Updates documentation to CRAN HTML5 format

ggperiodic 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2020-12-08

  • Removes vdiffr from dependencies.

ggperiodic 1.0.0 - Jörmungandr

CRAN release: 2019-03-12

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a nasty bug in the implementation of wrap().

ggperiodic 0.1.0 - Möbius strip

CRAN release: 2018-08-31

  • Implemented dplyr methods.
  • Published on github
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.