Yearly percentile values
This operator computes percentiles over all timesteps of the same year in infile1. The algorithm uses histograms with minimum and maximum bounds given in infile2 and infile3, respectively. The default number of histogram bins is 101. The default can be overridden by defining the environment variable CDO_PCTL_NBINS. The files infile2 and infile3 should be the result of corresponding yearmin and yearmax operations, respectively. The time of outfile is determined by the time in the middle of all contributing timesteps of infile1. This can be change with the CDO option –timestat_date <first|middle|last>. For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same year it is: o(t,x) = pth percentile {i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n}