Statistical values over all timesteps
This module computes statistical values over all timesteps in infile. Depending on the chosen operator the minimum, maximum, range, sum, average, variance or standard deviation of all timesteps read from infile is written to outfile. The time of outfile is determined by the time in the middle of all contributing timesteps of infile. This can be change with the CDO option –timestat_date <first|middle|last>.
cdo_timavg(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timmax(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timmaxidx(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timmean(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timmin(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timminidx(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timrange(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timstd(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timstd1(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timsum(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timvar(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timvar1(ifile, ofile = NULL)
timmin Time minimum
o(1,x) = min\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timmax Time maximum
o(1,x) = max\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timminidx Index of time minimum
o(1,x) = minidx\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timmaxidx Index of time maximum
o(1,x) = maxidx\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timrange Time range
o(1,x) = range\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timsum Time sum
o(1,x) = sum\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timmean Time mean
o(1,x) = mean\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timavg Time average
o(1,x) = avg\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timstd Time standard deviation
Normalize by n.
o(1,x) = std\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timstd1 Time standard deviation (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1).
o(1,x) = std1\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timvar Time variance
Normalize by n.
o(1,x) = var\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}
timvar1 Time variance (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1).
o(1,x) = var1\{i(t',x), t_1<t'<=t_n\}