Time range statistics
This module computes statistical values for a selected number of timesteps. According to the chosen operator the minimum, maximum, range, sum, average, variance or standard deviation of the selected timesteps is written to outfile. The time of outfile is determined by the time in the middle of all contributing timesteps of infile. This can be change with the CDO option –timestat_date <first|middle|last>.
cdo_timselavg(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselmax(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselmean(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselmin(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
nsets = NULL,
noffset = NULL,
nskip = NULL,
ofile = NULL
cdo_timselstd(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselstd1(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselsum(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselvar(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_timselvar1(ifile, nsets = NULL, noffset = NULL, nskip = NULL, ofile = NULL)
- ifile
String with the path to the input file.
- nsets
INTEGER - Number of input timesteps for each output timestep
- noffset
INTEGER - Number of input timesteps skipped before the first timestep range (optional)
- nskip
INTEGER - Number of input timesteps skipped between timestep ranges (optional)
- ofile
String with the path to the output file.
timselmin Time selection minimum
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = min\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselmax Time selection maximum
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = max\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselrange Time selection range
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = range\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselsum Time selection sum
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = sum\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselmean Time selection mean
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = mean\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselavg Time selection average
For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = avg\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselstd Time selection standard deviation
Normalize by n. For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = std\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselstd1 Time selection standard deviation (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = std1\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselvar Time selection variance
Normalize by n. For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = var\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
timselvar1 Time selection variance (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every adjacent sequence t1, ...., tn of timesteps of the same selected time range it is:
o(t,x) = var1\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}