Set grid information
This module modifies the metadata of the horizontal grid. Depending on the chosen operator a new grid description is set, the coordinates are converted or the grid cell area is added.
grid = NULL,
gridtype = NULL,
gridarea = NULL,
gridmask = NULL,
projparams = NULL,
ofile = NULL
grid = NULL,
gridtype = NULL,
gridarea = NULL,
gridmask = NULL,
projparams = NULL,
ofile = NULL
grid = NULL,
gridtype = NULL,
gridarea = NULL,
gridmask = NULL,
projparams = NULL,
ofile = NULL
grid = NULL,
gridtype = NULL,
gridarea = NULL,
gridmask = NULL,
projparams = NULL,
ofile = NULL
grid = NULL,
gridtype = NULL,
gridarea = NULL,
gridmask = NULL,
projparams = NULL,
ofile = NULL
- ifile
String with the path to the input file.
- grid
STRING - Grid description file or name
- gridtype
STRING - Grid type (curvilinear, unstructured, regular, lonlat, projection or dereference)
- gridarea
STRING - Data file, the first field is used as grid cell area
- gridmask
STRING - Data file, the first field is used as grid mask
- projparams
STRING - Proj library parameter (e.g.:+init=EPSG:3413)
- ofile
String with the path to the output file.
setgrid Set grid
Sets a new grid description. The input fields need to have the same grid size as the size
of the target grid description.
setgridtype Set grid type
Sets the grid type of all input fields. The following grid types are available:
curvilinear " " Converts a regular grid to a curvilinear grid
unstructured" " Converts a regular or curvilinear grid to an unstructured grid
dereference " " Dereference a reference to a grid
regular " " Linear interpolation of a reduced Gaussian grid to a regular Gaussian grid
regularnn " " Nearest neighbor interpolation of a reduced Gaussian grid to a regular Gaussian grid
lonlat " " Converts a regular lonlat grid stored as a curvilinear grid back to a lonlat grid
projection " " Removes the geographical coordinates if projection parameter available
setgridarea Set grid cell area
Sets the grid cell area. The parameter gridarea is the path to a data file,
the first field is used as grid cell area. The input fields need to have the same
grid size as the grid cell area. The grid cell area is used to compute
the weights of each grid cell if needed by an operator, e.g. for fldmean.
setgridmask Set grid mask
Sets the grid mask. The parameter gridmask is the path to a data file,
the first field is used as the grid mask. The input fields need to have the same
grid size as the grid mask. The grid mask is used as the target grid mask for
remapping, e.g. for remapbil.
setprojparams Set proj params
Sets the proj_params attribute of a projection. This attribute is used to compute
geographic coordinates of a projecton with the proj library.