Select fields
This module selects some fields from infiles and writes them to outfile. infiles is an arbitrary number of input files. All input files need to have the same structure with the same variables on different timesteps. The fields selected depends on the chosen parameters. Parameter is a comma-separated list of \"key=value\" pairs. A range of integer values can be specified by first/last[/inc]. Wildcards are supported for string values.
name = NULL,
param = NULL,
code = NULL,
level = NULL,
levrange = NULL,
levidx = NULL,
zaxisname = NULL,
zaxisnum = NULL,
ltype = NULL,
gridname = NULL,
gridnum = NULL,
steptype = NULL,
date = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
minute = NULL,
hour = NULL,
day = NULL,
month = NULL,
season = NULL,
year = NULL,
dom = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
timestep_of_year = NULL,
timestepmask = NULL,
ofile = NULL
name = NULL,
param = NULL,
code = NULL,
level = NULL,
levrange = NULL,
levidx = NULL,
zaxisname = NULL,
zaxisnum = NULL,
ltype = NULL,
gridname = NULL,
gridnum = NULL,
steptype = NULL,
date = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
minute = NULL,
hour = NULL,
day = NULL,
month = NULL,
season = NULL,
year = NULL,
dom = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
timestep_of_year = NULL,
timestepmask = NULL,
ofile = NULL
- ifiles
Character vector with the path to the input files.
- name
STRING - Comma-separated list of variable names.
- param
STRING - Comma-separated list of parameter identifiers.
- code
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of code numbers.
- level
FLOAT - Comma-separated list of vertical levels.
- levrange
FLOAT - First and last value of the level range.
- levidx
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of index of levels.
- zaxisname
STRING - Comma-separated list of zaxis names.
- zaxisnum
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of zaxis numbers.
- ltype
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of GRIB level types.
- gridname
STRING - Comma-separated list of grid names.
- gridnum
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of grid numbers.
- steptype
STRING - Comma-separated list of timestep types (constant, avg, accum, min, max, range, diff, sum)
- date
STRING - Comma-separated list of dates (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
- startdate
STRING - Start date (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
- enddate
STRING - End date (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
- minute
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of minutes.
- hour
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of hours.
- day
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of days.
- month
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of months.
- season
STRING - Comma-separated list of seasons (substring of DJFMAMJJASOND or ANN).
- year
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of years.
- dom
STRING - Comma-separated list of the day of month (e.g. 29feb).
- timestep
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of timesteps. Negative values select timesteps from the end (NetCDF only).
- timestep_of_year
INTEGER - Comma-separated list or first/last[/inc] range of timesteps of year.
- timestepmask
STRING - Read timesteps from a mask file.
- ofile
String with the path to the output file.