Seasonal statistics
This module computes statistical values over timesteps of the same season. Depending on the chosen operator the minimum, maximum, range, sum, average, variance or standard deviation of timesteps of the same season is written to outfile. The time of outfile is determined by the time in the middle of all contributing timesteps of infile. This can be change with the CDO option –timestat_date <first|middle|last>. Be careful about the first and the last output timestep, they may be incorrect values if the seasons have incomplete timesteps.
cdo_seasavg(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasmax(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasmean(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasmin(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasrange(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasstd(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasstd1(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seassum(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasvar(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_seasvar1(ifile, ofile = NULL)
seasmin Seasonal minimum
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = min\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasmax Seasonal maximum
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = max\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasrange Seasonal range
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = range\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seassum Seasonal sum
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = sum\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasmean Seasonal mean
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = mean\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasavg Seasonal average
For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = avg\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasstd Seasonal standard deviation
Normalize by n. For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = std\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasstd1 Seasonal standard deviation (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = std1\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasvar Seasonal variance
Normalize by n. For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = var\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}
seasvar1 Seasonal variance (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every adjacent sequence t_1, ...,t_n of timesteps of the same season it is:
o(t,x) = var1\{i(t',x), t1 < t' <= tn\}