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This module contains operators for a first order conservative remapping of fields between grids in spherical coordinates. The operators in this module uses code from the YAC software package to compute the conservative remapping weights. For a detailed description of the interpolation method see YAC. The interpolation method is completely general and can be used for any grid on a sphere. The search algorithm for the conservative remapping requires that no grid cell occurs more than once.


cdo_gencon(ifile, grid = NULL, map3d = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_remapcon(ifile, grid = NULL, map3d = NULL, ofile = NULL)



String with the path to the input file.


STRING - Target grid description file or name


BOOL - Generate all mapfiles of the first 3D field


String with the path to the output file.


remapcon  First order conservative remapping
          Performs a first order conservative remapping on all input fields.
gencon    Generate 1st order conservative remap weights
          Generates first order conservative remapping weights for the first input field and
          writes the result to a file. The format of this file is NetCDF following the SCRIP convention.
          Use the operator remap to apply this remapping weights to a data file with the same source grid.
          Set the parameter map3d=true to generate all mapfiles of the first 3D field with varying masks.
          In this case the mapfiles will be named <outfile><xxx>.nc. xxx will have five digits with the number of the mapfile.