Pressure on model levels
This module contains operators to calculate the pressure on model levels. To calculate the pressure on model levels, the a and b coefficients defining the model levels and the surface pressure are required. The a and b coefficients are normally part of the model level data. If not available, the surface pressure can be derived from the logarithm of the surface pressure. The surface pressure is identified by the GRIB1 code number or NetCDF CF standard name. Name & Units & GRIB1 code & CF standard name log surface pressure & Pa & 152 & surface pressure & Pa & 134 & surface_air_pressure
cdo_delta_pressure(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_pressure(ifile, ofile = NULL)
cdo_pressure_half(ifile, ofile = NULL)
pressure_half Pressure on half-levels
This operator computes the pressure on model half-levels in pascal.
The model half-level pressure (p_half) is given by:
p_half = a + b ∗ sp
a, b: coefficients defining the model levels
sp: surface pressure
pressure Pressure on full-levels
This operator computes the pressure on model full-levels in pascal.
The pressure on model full-levels (p_full) is in the middle of the layers defined by the model half-levels:
p_full = (p_half_above + p_half_below) / 2
delta_pressure Pressure difference of half-levels
This operator computes the pressure difference between to model half-levels.
delta_p = p_half_below - p_half_above