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This operator prints a table of all input datasets to standard output. infiles is an arbitrary number of input files. All input files need to have the same structure with the same variables on different timesteps. All input fields need to have the same horizontal grid. The contents of the table depends on the chosen parameters. The format of each table parameter is keyname[:len]. len is the optional length of a table entry. The number of significant digits of floating point parameters can be set with the CDO option –precision, the default is 7. Here is a list of all valid keynames: Keyname & Type & Description value & FLOAT & Value of the variable [len:8] name & STRING & Name of the variable [len:8] param & STRING & Parameter ID (GRIB1: code[.tabnum]; GRIB2: num[.cat[.dis]]) [len:11] code & INTEGER & Code number [len:4] x & FLOAT & X coordinate of the original grid [len:6] y & FLOAT & Y coordinate of the original grid [len:6] lon & FLOAT & Longitude coordinate in degrees [len:6] lat & FLOAT & Latitude coordinate in degrees [len:6] lev & FLOAT & Vertical level [len:6] xind & INTEGER & Grid x index [len:4] yind & INTEGER & Grid y index [len:4] timestep & INTEGER & Timestep number [len:6] date & STRING & Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) [len:10] time & STRING & Time (format hh:mm:ss) [len:8] year & INTEGER & Year [len:5] month & INTEGER & Month [len:2] day & INTEGER & Day [len:2] nohead & INTEGER & Disable output of header line


cdo_outputtab(ifiles, parameter = NULL)



Character vector with the path to the input files.


STRING - Comma-separated list of keynames, one for each column of the table