Information and simple statistics
This module writes information about the structure and contents for each field of all input files to standard output. A field is a horizontal layer of a data variable. All input files need to have the same structure with the same variables on different timesteps. The information displayed depends on the chosen operator.
info Dataset information listed by parameter identifier
Prints information and simple statistics for each field of all input datasets.
For each field the operator prints one line with the following elements:
- Date and Time
- Level, Gridsize and number of Missing values
- Minimum, Mean and Maximum \\
The mean value is computed without the use of area weights!
- Parameter identifier
infon Dataset information listed by parameter name
The same as operator info but using the name instead of the
identifier to label the parameter.
map Dataset information and simple map
Prints information, simple statistics and a map for each field of all input
datasets. The map will be printed only for fields on a regular lon/lat grid.