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This operator imports gridded CM-SAF (Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring) HDF5 files. CM-SAF exploits data from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites in order to provide climate monitoring products of the following parameters: Cloud parameters: cloud fraction (CFC), cloud type (CTY), cloud phase (CPH), cloud top height, pressure and temperature (CTH,CTP,CTT), cloud optical thickness (COT), cloud water path (CWP). Surface radiation components: Surface albedo (SAL); surface incoming (SIS) and net (SNS) shortwave radiation; surface downward (SDL) and outgoing (SOL) longwave radiation, surface net longwave radiation (SNL) and surface radiation budget (SRB). Top-of-atmosphere radiation components: Incoming (TIS) and reflected (TRS) solar radiative flux at top-of-atmosphere. Emitted thermal radiative flux at top-of-atmosphere (TET). Water vapour: Vertically integrated water vapour (HTW), layered vertically integrated water vapour and layer mean temperature and relative humidity for 5 layers (HLW), temperature and mixing ratio at 6 pressure levels. Daily and monthly mean products can be ordered via the CM-SAF web page ( Products with higher spatial and temporal resolution, i.e. instantaneous swath-based products, are available on request ( All products are distributed free-of-charge. More information on the data is available on the CM-SAF homepage ( Daily and monthly mean products are provided in equal-area projections. CDO reads the projection parameters from the metadata in the HDF5-headers in order to allow spatial operations like remapping. For spatial operations with instantaneous products on original satellite projection, additional files with arrays of latitudes and longitudes are needed. These can be obtained from CM-SAF together with the data.


cdo_import_cmsaf(ifile, ofile = NULL)



String with the path to the input file.


String with the path to the output file.


To use this operator, it is necessary to build CDO with HDF5 support (version 1.6 or higher). The PROJ library (version 5.0 or higher) is needed for full support of the remapping functionality.