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This module computes statistical values over surrounding grid boxes. Depending on the chosen operator, the minimum, maximum, range, sum, average, standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis or median of the neighboring grid boxes is written to outfile. All gridbox operators only work on quadrilateral curvilinear grids.


cdo_gridboxavg(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxkurt(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxmax(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxmean(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxmedian(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxmin(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxrange(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxskew(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxstd(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxstd1(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxsum(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxvar(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_gridboxvar1(ifile, nx = NULL, ny = NULL, ofile = NULL)



String with the path to the input file.


INTEGER - Number of grid boxes in x direction


INTEGER - Number of grid boxes in y direction


String with the path to the output file.


gridboxmin     Gridbox minimum
               Minimum value of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxmax     Gridbox maximum
               Maximum value of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxrange   Gridbox range
               Range (max-min value) of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxsum     Gridbox sum
               Sum of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxmean    Gridbox mean
               Mean of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxavg     Gridbox average
               Average of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxstd     Gridbox standard deviation
               Standard deviation of the selected grid boxes. Normalize by n.
gridboxstd1    Gridbox standard deviation (n-1)
               Standard deviation of the selected grid boxes. Normalize by (n-1).
gridboxvar     Gridbox variance
               Variance of the selected grid boxes. Normalize by n.
gridboxvar1    Gridbox variance (n-1)
               Variance of the selected grid boxes. Normalize by (n-1).
gridboxskew    Gridbox skewness
               Skewness of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxkurt    Gridbox kurtosis
               Kurtosis of the selected grid boxes.
gridboxmedian  Gridbox median
               Median of the selected grid boxes.