Statistical values over a field
This module computes statistical values of all input fields. A field is a horizontal layer of a data variable. Depending on the chosen operator, the minimum, maximum, range, sum, integral, average, standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis, median or a certain percentile of the field is written to outfile.
cdo_fldavg(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldcount(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldint(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldkurt(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldmax(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldmean(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldmedian(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldmin(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldpctl(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldrange(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldskew(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldstd(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldstd1(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldsum(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldvar(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_fldvar1(ifile, weights = NULL, p = NULL, ofile = NULL)
fldmin Field minimum
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = min\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldmax Field maximum
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = max\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldrange Field range
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = range\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldsum Field sum
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = sum\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldint Field integral
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = sum\{i(t,x')*cellarea(x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldmean Field mean
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = mean\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldavg Field average
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = avg\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldstd Field standard deviation
Normalize by n. For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = std\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldstd1 Field standard deviation (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = std1\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldvar Field variance
Normalize by n. For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = var\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldvar1 Field variance (n-1)
Normalize by (n-1). For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = var1\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
weighted by area weights obtained by the input field.
fldskew Field skewness
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = skew\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldkurt Field kurtosis
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = kurt\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldmedian Field median
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = median\{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}
fldcount Field count
Number of non-missing values of the field.
fldpctl Field percentiles
For every gridpoint x_1, ..., x_n of the same field it is:
o(t,1) = pth percentile \{i(t,x'), x_1<x'<=x_n\}