Summer days index per time period
Let infile be a time series of the daily maximum temperature TX, then the number of days where TX > T is counted. The number T is an optional parameter with default T = 25°C. Note that TX have to be given in units of Kelvin, whereas T have to be given in degrees Celsius. Parameter is a comma-separated list of \"key=values\" pairs.
cdo_eca_su(ifile, T = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_etccdi_su(ifile, T = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)
eca_su Summer days index per time period
The operator counts over the entire time series.
The date information of a timestep in outfile is the date of
the last contributing timestep in infile.
etccdi_su Summer days index per time period
The default output frequency is yearly.
The date information of a timestep in outfile is the mid of
the frequency interval.