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Let infile be a time series of the daily precipitation amount RR in [mm] (or alternatively in [kg m-2]), then the number of days where RR is at least x mm is counted. eca_r10mm and eca_r20mm are specific ECA operators with a daily precipitation amount of 10 and 20 mm respectively. The date information of a timestep in outfile is the date of the last contributing timestep in infile except for the etccdi operator. Parameter is a comma-separated list of \"key=values\" pairs.


cdo_eca_pd(ifile, x = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_eca_r10mm(ifile, x = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_eca_r20mm(ifile, x = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)

cdo_etccdi_r1mm(ifile, x = NULL, freq = NULL, ofile = NULL)



String with the path to the input file.


FLOAT - Daily precipitation amount threshold in [mm]


STRING - Output frequency (year, month)


String with the path to the output file.


eca_pd       Precipitation days index per time period
             Generic ECA operator with daily precipitation sum exceeding x mm.
eca_r10mm    Heavy precipitation days index per time period
             Specific ECA operator with daily precipitation sum exceeding 10 mm.
eca_r20mm    Very heavy precipitation days index per time period
             Specific ECA operator with daily precipitation sum exceeding 20 mm.
etccdi_r1mm  Precipitation days index per time period
             The default output frequency is yearly.
             The date information of a timestep in outfile is the mid of
             the frequency interval.


Precipitation rates in [mm/s] have to be converted to precipitation amounts (multiply with 86400 s). Apart from metadata information the result of eca_pd,1 and eca_rr1 is the same.