Consecute timestep periods
This module computes periods over all timesteps in infile where a certain property is valid. The property can be chosen by creating a mask from the original data, which is the expected input format for operators of this module. Depending on the operator full information about each period or just its length and ending date are computed.
consecsum Consecutive Sum
This operator computes periods of consecutive timesteps similar to a
runsum, but periods are finished, when the mask value is 0. That way
multiple periods can be found. Timesteps from the input are preserved. Missing
values are handled like 0, i.e. finish periods of consecutive timesteps.
consects Consecutive Timesteps
In contrast to the operator above consects only computes the length of each
period together with its last timestep. To be able to perform statistical
analysis like min, max or mean, everything else is set to missing value.