Comparison of a field with a constant
This module compares all fields of a dataset with a constant. The resulting field is a mask containing 1 if the comparison is true and 0 if not. The type of comparison depends on the chosen operator.
cdo_eqc(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_gec(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_gtc(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_lec(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_ltc(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
cdo_nec(ifile, c = NULL, ofile = NULL)
eqc Equal constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) EQ c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) NE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss
nec Not equal constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) NE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) EQ c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss
lec Less equal constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) LE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) GT c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss
ltc Less than constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) LT c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) GE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss
gec Greater equal constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) GE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) LT c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss
gtc Greater than constant
/ 1 if i(t,x) GT c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i(t,x) LE c AND i(t,x),c NE miss
\\ miss if i(t,x) EQ miss OR c EQ miss