Comparison of two fields
This module compares two datasets field by field. The resulting field is a mask containing 1 if the comparison is true and 0 if not. The number of fields in infile1 should be the same as in infile2. One of the input files can contain only one timestep or one field. The fields in outfile inherit the meta data from infile1 or infile2. The type of comparison depends on the chosen operator.
cdo_eq(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
cdo_ge(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
cdo_gt(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
cdo_le(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
cdo_lt(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
cdo_ne(ifile1, ifile2, ofile = NULL)
eq Equal
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) EQ i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) NE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss
ne Not equal
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) NE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) EQ i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss
le Less equal
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) LE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) GT i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss
lt Less than
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) LT i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) GE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss
ge Greater equal
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) GE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) LT i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss
gt Greater than
/ 1 if i_1(t,x) GT i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
o(t,x) = < 0 if i_1(t,x) LE i_2(t,x) AND i_1(t,x),i_2(t,x) NE miss
\\ miss if i_1(t,x) EQ miss OR i_2(t,x) EQ miss