Computes a linear regression with and returns the estimate and, optionally, standard error for each regressor.
FitLm(y, ..., intercept = TRUE, weights = NULL, se = FALSE, r2 = se)
ResidLm(y, ..., intercept = TRUE, weights = NULL)
Detrend(y, time = seq_along(y))
numeric vector of observations to model
numeric vectors of variables used in the modelling
logical indicating whether to automatically add the intercept
numerical vector of weights (which doesn't need to be normalised)
logical indicating whether to compute the standard error
logical indicating whether to compute r squared
time vector to use for detrending. Only necessary in the case of irregularly sampled timeseries
FitLm returns a list with elements
the name of the regressor
estimate of the regression
standard error
degrees of freedom
Percent of variance explained by the model (repeated in each term)
r.squared` adjusted based on the degrees of freedom)
ResidLm and Detrend returns a vector of the same length
If there's no complete cases in the regression, NA
s are returned with no
# Linear trend with "signficant" areas shaded with points
regr <- geopotential[, FitLm(gh, date, se = TRUE), by = .(lon, lat)]
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.254 0.000 0.254
ggplot(regr[term != "(Intercept)"], aes(lon, lat)) +
geom_contour(aes(z = estimate, color = after_stat(level))) +
stat_subset(aes(subset = abs(estimate) > 2*std.error), size = 0.05)
# Using stats::lm() is much slower and with no names.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
regr <- geopotential[, coef(lm(gh ~ date))[2], by = .(lon, lat)]
} # }